Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Basic Army Training Day 1 - Making My Bed

Havent got any guns yet... still waiting but for now here is my first days training covered.

Begin with the bed made but not entirely together.
That is, you want your fitted sheet on the mattress, and, centered over that, the flat sheet, followed by whatever blankets, comforters, quilts, etc., that you so desire.

Tuck the sandwich of flat sheet and blankets underneath the foot of the mattress. (Short-sheeting will be covered some other day, class.) Now you've got a bed that's neat at the bottom but messy on the sides. Sort of like a late 1980's mullet. But I digress.

Start at whichever side you prefer. There'll be a lumpish bit of overhanging cloth. Smooth that out and down along the side of the bed. It will come to a point and then double back on itself. Holding on to the point, bring it first out (perpendicular to the bed) and then back (paralleling the bed once more, only closer to you than before.)

If you're familiar with origami, you've just performed what I believe is called a mountain fold. At any rate, you've now basically formed a triangle with the overhanging cloth. Tuck the bottom half of the triangle under the mattress, and let the top half fall. Repeat on the other side.

That's it. You're done. Hope everyone is well.

Untill tomorrow!
The Captain

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